Journal KOM

Research Articles

The influence of the structure of two-phase steel on its corrosion behaviour
Joska L. a spol.
2002, 46 (EN), 2–6

Citace (ACS): Joska, L.; et al. The influence of the structure of two-phase steel on its corrosion behaviour. Koroze a ochrana materiálů 2002, 46 (EN), 2–6.

Citace (ISO): Joska, L.; et al. The influence of the structure of two-phase steel on its corrosion behaviour. Koroze a ochrana materiálů 2002, vol. 46, no. EN, p. 2–6.

Heat treatment significantly changes the characteristics of two-phase steel. Structural phases that are formed during this process influence, among others, the corrosion resistance of the steel. Progress of localized corrosion can be favourably studied using electrochemical noise. Appearance of this corrosion can be detected in noise spectra more sensitively than by other electrochemical methods. The study deals with a possible use of electrochemical noise measurement for the study of the influence of the structural state of twophase steel on its corrosion behaviour.
An environmental problem caused by the galvanic cell
Člupek O.
2002, 46 (EN), 7–9

Citace (ACS): Člupek, O. An environmental problem caused by the galvanic cell. Koroze a ochrana materiálů 2002, 46 (EN), 7–9.

Citace (ISO): Člupek, O. An environmental problem caused by the galvanic cell. Koroze a ochrana materiálů 2002, vol. 46, no. EN, p. 7–9.

We were asked to evaluate and suggest how to solve the corrosion problem with the piping under the petrol dispensing pumps resulting in the fuel leakage into underground waters. The owner of the petrol station assumed that the corrosion was a result of stray currents from the railway line situated 1 km from the petrol station.
Corrosion aggresivity of long-stored wastes of recycled motor oils
Kursová M. a spol.
2002, 46 (EN), 10–14

Citace (ACS): Kursová, M.; et al. Corrosion aggresivity of long-stored wastes of recycled motor oils. Koroze a ochrana materiálů 2002, 46 (EN), 10–14.

Citace (ISO): Kursová, M.; et al. Corrosion aggresivity of long-stored wastes of recycled motor oils. Koroze a ochrana materiálů 2002, vol. 46, no. EN, p. 10–14.

The corrosion aggressivity of wastes of recycled motor oils deposited in "oil lagoons" was evaluated in order to solve liquidation of these wastes. For this purpose, steel piles covered by various coatings or without any surface protection had been sunk in different parts of three oil lagoons for about five years; their corrosion attack was then determined . The results of the long-term exposition of either unprotected or surface - finished carbon steel in the actual lagoon conditions were completed with the short-term corrosion tests of several materials exposed to the waste samples from different layers of the lagoon depth profile.

Technology and developement

Surface finishing-testing and inspection activities
Kalousková H. a spol.
2002, 46 (EN), 15–18

Citace (ACS): Kalousková, H.; et al. Surface finishing-testing and inspection activities. Koroze a ochrana materiálů 2002, 46 (EN), 15–18.

Citace (ISO): Kalousková, H.; et al. Surface finishing-testing and inspection activities. Koroze a ochrana materiálů 2002, vol. 46, no. EN, p. 15–18.